The 10 month Hair Cut

I’ve been so proud of my long hair. It’s been my one redeeming feature that distracts from the weight I’ve had to gain for the pregnancy and the breastfeeding. I’ve enjoyed styling it and letting it loose when the occasion arises.

My long black mane with auburn streaks has done very well with the pregnancy, since the hair follicle cycle stayed in growth mode (minus the shed mode – read this link if you didn’t already know about this). It’s now almost down to mon derriere and I keep it pinned half up or all up at any particular time except when I am sleeping. I’ve loved this mane, spending a few precious minutes every day shampooing, faithfully conditioning, partial drying and extensive brushing. I even bought a special brush (Tangle Teezer, love this and highly recommend it) that helps untangle those crazy knots that make nerve synapses and UK road maps look simple.

Baby loves yanking my hair, holding onto it and twirling it with her fingers as though examining the texture. It was fine before because her hands were little and she couldn’t really grip. Now she’s almost 10 months, her hands are well formed, strong and her grip is iron-tight. This has resulted in me losing my hair in small tufts as we do our daily battles. Split ends, different lengths and all the new baby hairs are now beginning to stick out of my usually well kept bun or braid. It’s annoying to look in the mirror and looks unkempt. I’m going to a friend’s wedding in Australia 3 weeks and I won’t have time to style it when we arrive.

It’s time to let go of my pre-historic appearance. My hair appointment with the hairdresser whom I haven’t seen in 2 years is today at 2pm.

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